
VA - Visual Infaction Vol. 1 (2008)

Banda: Varios Artistas Album: Visual Infaction Vol. 1 Año: 2008 Genero: Electronic, EBM, Electro, Industrial Pais: ... Track List: 01 Frozen...

Banda: Varios Artistas
Album: Visual Infaction Vol. 1
Año: 2008
Genero: Electronic, EBM, Electro, Industrial
Pais: ...

Track List:

01 Frozen Plasma - Lift the Veil (Live)
02 Code 64 - Leaving Earth
03 Iris - Unknown (Live)
04 Felix Marc - Give Back the Moments
05 Michigan - Decadence (Live)
06 Conetik - Talk Silence
07 Intuition - Stronger (Live)
08 Portland - Stalking and Free
09 Liquid Divine - Click (Live)
10 State Of The Union - Radioman
11 Frozen Plasma - Warmongers (Live)
12 Babylonia - Catch Me
13 Michigan - The Nomad (Live)
14 Syrian - Destiny Sunrise
15 Intuition - Whole (Live)
16 Babylonia - Something Epic
17 Liquid Divine - Little Scars (Live)
18 Michigan - The Nomad
19 X - Divide - Calling (Live)
20 Soman - Pusher (Live)
21 Grendel - Hate This (Live)
22 Modulate - Skullfuck (Live)
23 Reaper - Robuste Maschine (Live)
24 Schallfaktor - End of Love (Live)
25 Grendel - Remnants (Live)
26 Soman - Mask (Live)
27 Modulate - Revolution (Live)
28 Reaper - Twisted Trophy Hunter (Live)
29 Schallfaktor - Selbstmordgedanken (Live)

Parte 01
Parte 02

11 desaparecidos 13th Moon 45 grave 8bit acid bats acustico aderlass after punk alaska y los pegamoides alcoholika alien sex fiend alien vampires all gone dead alternative ambient anders manga antiworld anuncio arseniko astorian stigmata batcave bauhaus belgrado bella morte blood and roses bloody dead and sexy blutengel bohemien cabaret calendario 2011 cancion popular castrati casual cenizacromada chants of maldoror chaos z christian death cinema strange clan of xymox colder coldwave colombia comando suzie compilado peruano convulsiones covered faces creature feature dark dark cabaret dark cavaret dark electro dark punk darkwave david bowie dead can dance deadchovsky deathrock deathrock español deathrock ingles deathrock otros decima victima decoder depeche mode discografia disfuncion organica dreampop dvd eat your make-up EBM electro electro arroba electro pop electro rock electrodark electronica emilie autumn enlaces ep espergesia eternelle anesthesie ethereal wave eventos experiemntal experimental eyaculacion post-mortem fear cult flagelo cleriga flesh for lulu fobya folk frankenputa glam-rock gothic gothic rock gothic rock español gothic rock ingles gritos de histeria h. zombie harsh EBM horror punk horror rock hospital del horror indie industrial jesucrisis Johnny Carnicero y los Vampiros de Barakaldo joy division l'artica la casa usher la peste negra la voz de tus ausentes las gorgonas latinoamerica le vene di lucretia lene lovich letifer los carniceros del norte love like blood madre del vizio maresantos mekrokiev mephisto walz minimal electro mis escritos munlet naughty zombies neo-folk neva new wave nine inch nails niños del cementerio Noise noticias noticias musica novy svet nuevos o paradis opium tea orquidea otros otros generos para bellvm peibol peter murphy pink turns blue plastique noir play dead post-punk español post-punk ingles postpunk premios press gang metropol prophetic dream psichobilly punk punk rock radio scarlet radiocrimen recipe morado Requiem for... rock industrial rolling stones rrrrrrr scarlet's remains septima sima sex gang children silvio rodriguez sisters of mercy sopor aeternus specimen synth-pop synthpop t-xarly usher tacna the 69 eyes the best beast the cult the cure the evil speaks the freeze the ghost of lemora theatre of hate tragic black trapodolls tributo trova uk decay V.A. videos xenofobia xmal deutschland zadera
MY FUNERAL: VA - Visual Infaction Vol. 1 (2008)
VA - Visual Infaction Vol. 1 (2008)
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